About us

Tivoli Auto Services About

Tivoli Auto Services is a quality, family run business that has been going for over 20 years. Our friendly garage has a team of high-trained mechanics, some ex-main dealer, but all with years’ of experience and first-hand knowledge of working with prestige brands. We offer a personal service, and are delighted to have retained many of our customers, now friends, over the years. We’re a Which Trusted Trader and give transparent honest advice from the offset and options so you always know you are getting a good deal.

Paul White at Tivoli Auto Services

Paul White

The Boss!

Favourite car: Lamborghini … any of them!

Best thing about working at Tivoli: I look forward to going to work every day and love to help people

Call us now on 01424 442277
to speak to a member of our team

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Excellent service over many years. Always friendly & most helpful & always willing to help in an emergency.
Which Trusted Trader Consumer