How To Prepare Your Car For The Winter

As road conditions worsen during the wet and icy months and the temperature drops, it is important to know how to prepare your car for the winter. There are many aspects to take into consideration, and in this blog we will be highlighting them to help you remain safe and warm on the roads.


The first point to consider is air-con. The last thing you want, especially on winter morning commutes, is a cold journey! So now the temperature has really started to drop, check to see if your air-con is working as it should be. Not to keep you cool, just to help stop the interior of the car misting up. If you find it doesn’t then the team at Tivoli will be able to sort it out as soon as possible.


A very important area to consider for winter driving is what condition your tyres are in, and do you have summer tyres on still?

Most drivers will have all-season tyres. However, there could be a chance you have summer tyres – perhaps from a second-hand car you purchased recently. If that is the case you will need to switch to either winter tyres or all-season tyres.

You should also make sure that all 4 of your tyres have sufficient tread. With more rain and snow comes more chance of losing control – especially if you are suddenly driving over ice so be sure to check you are still within good tread limits. The legal limit in the UK is 1.6mm, however, anything above 4mm is best for winter driving.


Antifreeze for both your engine coolant and screen wash is essential when the temperature outside drops.

You want to be able to regulate your engine temps at the optimal level, whilst also making sure your screen wash doesn’t freeze over if you need to use it.

Most engine coolants and screen wash will come with antifreeze already mixed in, however, be sure to check your containers just in case it doesn’t.

How To Prepare Your Car For The Winter

Tips On Winter Driving

You may know the 2-second rule when driving, however, when the rain comes make sure to increase that to 4+ seconds, therefore giving yourself some extra time to react and slow down if needed.

When it comes to snow and ice you will need to increase that gap even more, up to 10 times possibly, depending how bad the conditions are. It can be very hard to drive in these conditions, so always make sure you are driving slowly and at a safe distance.

Tivoli Auto Services

We are an independent garage based in Hastings, St. Leonards. If you have any issues or requirements with your car, or need a new service and MOT, bring your car down to Tivoli and a member of our friendly team will be happy to help.

Contact us today at 01424 442277 to get your car booked with us. We are here to give any advice to help you get the most out of your vehicle.

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