Cheap vs Expensive Tyres: Are Expensive Tyres Worth It?

Tyres are an essential component of any vehicle, and there will undoubtedly come a time when you need to change your tyres – whether it’s due to a puncture or tear, or they’re getting old and the tread is low.

One question that is often asked is ‘should I buy cheap or expensive tyres?’

However, there is no straight answer. A tyre that is good value for money for someone else, may not be good for you, as the type of use may be different.

What are the benefits of cheap tyres?

Cheap tyres can be great if you don’t want to dig too deep into your wallet, and they can be a great quick fix for replacing a punctured tyre.

However, they can come with downsides – such as poor fuel efficiency, increased road noise and poor brake performance.

Cheap doesn’t necessarily mean cost-effective. It’s always important to check with Tivoli before you opt for budget tyres – so we can recommend the best ones available. Choosing a mid-level range budget tyre will be far more beneficial than a bottom-of-the-line range one.

What are the benefits of expensive tyres?

Do expensive tyres last longer? In some cases, yes. It will come down to what type of tyre you are looking for.

If you are looking for tyres that are economical, provide comfort, and have efficient usage on the motorway for endless miles, then you’ll be able to get great value-for-money tyres that do just that.

On the other hand, if you want a premium tyre which provides maximum performance, handling, grip and braking, such as the Michelin Pilot Sports or Continental ContiSports, then it may be a more low-profile tyre which may not last as long.

You may notice that in Formula 1 racing, their tyres don’t last long at all, but they’ll provide incredible performance – and cost a fortune!

What tyres should you buy?

It will all come down to your preference and what you are looking for in a tyre. Whether that is fuel economy, performance or longevity for high mileage.

If you are going on race tracks or off-roading then you may require a very different type of tyre to what is used on normal roads.

Once you have established what type of tyre you require for your car and driving needs – a member of our team can help you with suggestions. Each category of tyre will always have different price brackets, and we can help you find the perfect tyres.

Tivoli Auto Services

We are an independent garage based in Hastings, St. Leonards. If you have any issues or requirements with your car or need a new service and MOT, bring your car down to our garage and a member of our friendly team will be happy to help.

Contact us today on 01424 442277 to get your car booked in. We are here to give any advice to help you get the most out of your vehicle.

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