What Are the Advantages of Regenerative Braking?

Regenerative braking systems come as standard nowadays in hybrid and electric vehicles. However, what does it do and what are the advantages of using it?

Regenerative braking in a nutshell is the process of harnessing kinetic energy used to brake and slow down a vehicle, allowing the battery to be charged in the process. This is why some hybrid cars don’t need to be plugged in to be charged, as the car does it all whilst driving.

What are the advantages of this?

 It improves fuel economy

Fuel economy is something cars are getting more efficient at handling. However, with the introduction of regenerative braking, fuel economy can increase anywhere from 10% to 25%!

When a car brakes with this system, it will charge up the battery again, meaning you can power the motor with this extra energy, rather than purely using just fuel all the time.

It prolongs the life of your brakes

The average life of car brake discs and pads are around 50,000 miles, or higher if treated well. With regenerative braking, on the other hand, your braking system can last over 100,000 miles with ease.

When taking your foot off the accelerator in a hybrid or electric vehicle, the battery stops supplying power, resulting in the car slowing down by itself, a lot sooner than a non-electric car would.

Because of this, the brake pedal is not needed as often since the regenerative braking system does most of the work.

One-Pedal Driving

In some hybrid and electric vehicles, the driver can choose the strength of the regenerative braking system. This means when you take your foot off the pedal, the car can decelerate far sooner, if you wish, and come to a complete stop in some instances.

This is often referred to as ‘one-pedal driving’ as you will only be using the accelerator pedal. Perfect for when you are in heavy traffic or driving at steady speeds.

Brake Servicing

Although cars with regenerative braking systems last a long time, they will still need their brakes changed at some point.

It is important to always check brakes are in working order as they can fail in some instances.

Here at Tivoli, we are here to help with your hybrid and electric vehicles. We will be able to check your brakes are safe and change them as and when required.

Tivoli Auto Services

We are an independent garage based in Hastings, St. Leonards. If you have any issues with your car or need a service and/or MOT, bring your car down to our garage and a member of our friendly team will be happy to help.

Contact us today on 01424 442277 to get your car booked in. We are here to give advice and to help you get the most out of your vehicle.

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